These building blocks are the key to your success!

Building Blocks for Success:

The training program has been thoughtfully designed to provide instruction, practice and guidance in a myriad of way. Some people learn better in a group setting while others flourish with one-on-one guidance. The curriculum is delivered through a combination of book learning, demonstrations, and hands-on practice, with every effort made to engage all nine (9) types of intelligence.

Each year for 3 years:

Rubenfeld Synergy Method, transformational healing

13-15 Enriched Learning Live Webinars

These online webinar will focus on foundational material, ethical principles, reading assignments and reviews to support your learning and integration of the practice and concepts of RSM.

Rubenfeld Synergy Method, transformational healing

Two (2) in-person Getting in Touch 6-day On-site Trainings

Through demonstration, practice and supervision, you’ll learn the art and skills of Rubenfeld Synergy. Each subsequent year will build on the year before so you will feel confident and competent to see paying clients once you've certified. 

Rubenfeld Synergy Method, transformational healing

Real Life Skill Building Clinical Practicum

The only way to really learn new skills is to practice, practice, practice. You will see practice clients in your hometown. In this way you'll already begin building your clientele! The number of required practice client sessions will vary by year, starting with a minimum of 25 in Year 1.

How did I experience the training? Fun! I made deep, lasting friendships.

Rita WatersHow did I experience the training? Fun! I made deep, lasting friendships. Being immersed in the training for a week at a time, brought focus and intensity. When we practiced, there was 1 supervisor for every 4-6 trainees. There was kindness and gentleness in the feedback. Unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced.

Rita Waters, CRS
Washington, DC

Rubenfeld Synergy Method, transformational healing

Deepen Your Skills Mentoring Program

In 1:1 private and small group formats, you’ll be able to discuss the challenges and rewards of seeing practice clients, and receive valuable training and feedback from your mentor. The number of required mentoring sessions will vary, depending on the number of practice client sessions. The ratio is one (1) private mentoring session for every five (5) practice client sessions.

Rubenfeld Synergy Method, transformational healing

Help is Right Here Advisor Program

in 1:1 private and small group formats. Your advisor will guide you through the program, answer your questions, and give you a gentle nudge when needed.

Rubenfeld Synergy Method, transformational healing

Let the Healing Begin Personal Sessions

Receiving a minimum of twelve (12) 1:1 private, personal Rubenfeld Synergy sessions will give you the experience of what it’s like to be a client. You will also be able to resolve personal issues that arise during the training and transform your blocks and fears that might get the way of a successful practice. Two (2) personal sessions will be given at the training, for trainees who have a Home Synergist. Additional sessions will be given for those who do not.

Rubenfeld Synergy Method, transformational healing

Start Earning Money 3rd Year Internship Program

(Year 3 only). After completing the required minimum number of practice client and mentoring sessions for years 1 and 2, and upon approval by faculty and your mentor, you will qualify to enter an internship. As an intern, you will be able to charge a reduced fee, as determined by faculty, for practice client sessions. This will give you the opportunity to earn money while starting to build your private practice.

Rubenfeld Synergy Method, transformational healing

Find It All Here Membership Site

You will have access to all electronically-stored training materials, for your personal use only, for as long as you are a trainee. You'll be able to go back and review what was taught in the comfort of your home. 

Rubenfeld Synergy Method, transformational healing

Stronger Together Private Facebook Group

where you can receive and give support and encouragement in the safe space of your cohorts.

Rubenfeld Synergy Method, transformational healing

BONUS: Sacred Offers Made Easier System

This program is optional, at the end of the Year 3. In this program, you will learn to create and offer programs that will help you attract and retain your ideal clients, so you can earn the money you deserve while making a difference in the world. This program is not a requirement for certification. There is no additional tuition for this program.